CCA - Competition Independence Day Description: The educational process must include co-curricular activities (CCAs) as these activities offer opportunities for the growth of creative faculties and abilities. CCA club activities, inter-house contests, and inter-school events are all held throughout the year at Tattva School. Through regular evaluations of co-scholastic areas of development, CCAs are in line with the Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) system of the CBSE and assist in tracking the holistic profile of learners. This makes evaluation an integral part of the teaching-learning process rather than occurring in isolation. The Inter-House competitions were held for grades I-VIII. The Inter-House CCA competitions cover numerous activities for students' intellectual and artistic participation. The complete engagement of the children in these competitions at the School makes them special. The 100 percent participation policy is a multifaceted approach to fostering each child's intellectual, cognitive, and creative growth. It reveals a child's extracurricular skill, gives young children the self-assurance to perform on stage, and instills a sense of competition in every child. The various competitions held at the school include: Patriotic Songs, Essay Writing, Fireless Cooking, Rangoli Competition, and Slogan Writing.

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Date : 09 August, 2023